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Weekly Report #73 - "Social Network", Ego, and the Vibrant Life of Mid-Autumn Festival



This article is a record and reflection of life from 2024-09-09 to 2024-09-17.

'The Social Network' and Ego#


My senior and I have many differences in terms of profession, hobbies, and personality, but we are not the type to blend well together, so we often try to understand each other's passions, even if we frequently discover more differences.

This week, my senior and I suddenly talked about why we enjoy coding. Sometimes, these motivations and passions are hard to explain in just a few words. I suddenly thought of several movies/series that have deeply influenced me, such as 'The Social Network' and 'Silicon Valley'. I realized that I hadn't opened my HBO MAX subscription for several months, so we decided to watch 'The Social Network' together during the Mid-Autumn holiday.

I probably watched this movie during college and have revisited it several times over the years. Each time, it reignites my passion for coding and creation, likely because the fascinating journey of turning a small idea into a product always captivates me.

My senior mentioned Mark's self-centeredness, "bad behavior," and betrayal. Perhaps geniuses or successful entrepreneurs have some traits in common, but it doesn't necessarily mean they have to be "bad people." Good character and good skills/products are not mutually exclusive. In a worldly sense, he succeeded, but perhaps he also lost many originally precious things.

During our casual discussion, I also recognized my own ego in this. It seems that the idea of "Code is law" often brings some side effects. Having enough talent or writing good enough code can easily lead one to overlook arrogance, disrespect, and insincerity.

Sometimes, these notions also erode my daily life. It seems that coding is one of the few things that can be completed independently without collaboration, which makes me less accustomed to working with others. For example, in the recently concluded ETH Shenzhen hackathon, I chose to work alone. It was exhausting, but it felt like a less labor-intensive mode for me. I seem to find it hard to trust others, and on a deeper level, I don't believe that finding a few teammates can accomplish things I can't do or learn. More seriously, I tend to overlook the contributions and efforts of others, especially non-technical ones, which can be quite problematic.

Coincidentally, our company will soon hold a week-long internal hackathon, and I will consciously try to adjust and observe my behavior in team collaboration. I am also looking forward to working on interesting projects together.

A little preview: related to Follow.

The Joyful Life of Mid-Autumn Festival#

Originally, I planned to stay at home and write code for three days during the Mid-Autumn Festival, but perhaps due to working before bed for a while, both my mind and body felt a bit fatigued, and I couldn't push through. So, I took these days to rest and adjust. I swam for two days, went to the garage to paint murals for two days, skateboarded for the first time, and returned home for a family dinner during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Now, I feel terrifyingly fulfilled.

It seems that life is gradually returning to normal, with many seemingly "idle" moments that are unexpectedly precious.


I remembered today when I was painting a brick for the mural, my senior said I could first outline some details up close and then step back to see the overall picture, which would help better grasp the composition. I also saw a comparison image of the mural from the beginning to now, watching the wall gradually gain details (although I basically just painted bricks), which seems to reflect the essence of life.

Thoughts on RSS#

Last week, I initiated an invitation code selection activity, originally just to add some difficulty due to the scarcity of invitation codes, but I received many comments, even the total word count far exceeded the main text. I could see many thoughts and discussions about RSS, reading, and information processing. I discovered that Remark42 allows subscribing to comments on a specific article, so I directly imported the RSS link to see updates in Follow.

Interesting Things and Items#


Although most interesting inputs are automatically synced in the 'Yu's Life' Telegram channel, I still selected a portion to list here, making it feel more like a newsletter. Additionally, I built a microblog using Telegram Channel messages as content sources — '', which makes browsing more convenient.





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