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Weekly Report #47 - Interviews, Boxing, and Work Status


This article is a record and reflection on the past few weeks of life from September 13th to September 17th, 2023.

On Monday, I finally went to the cinema to watch the long-awaited "Inception". It had been a long time since I last went to the movies. On Saturday, I went to the Old Summer Palace to do some sketching, enjoying a fulfilling day. On Sunday, I went to a boxing gym for the first time and took a boxing class, which was a novel experience. Midweek, I finally met Atlas and had a conversation about work and life. My life is gradually getting back on track, but there are some issues with my work status, so I made some adjustments. I also did an interview as a guest on the Polebug channel, discussing many topics related to Web3 and contract development. There were many interesting things happening.


I had a chat on Polebug's Bilibili channel about my previous learning experiences and topics related to Web3 and smart contracts. Unknowingly, the conversation lasted nearly 30 minutes. It was an interesting chat and also served as a small summary of my learning journey.


I came across this sport in an article by my senior sister titled "Sports | What Did You Learn After Starting Boxing?" a long time ago. However, as a seasoned otaku, I can't even distinguish between Western boxing, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, let alone try them. Until recently, when I wanted to find some sports to do together, I thought I would start with boxing. So I scheduled an afternoon on a weekend and went to the boxing gym in my sports attire.

I used to roller skate for many years and also played skateboarding for a while, but I have had little exposure to other sports. Before class, I still had some psychological barriers. Indeed, the coordination of footwork and punches was inconsistent because I had never been exposed to this type of sport. My coordination was not very good, and I realized that I had been in my own mindset for too long. At first, I wanted to make a diagram to arrange the sequence of each movement. I also felt a little frustrated because my body and mind were not in sync. However, after practicing for a while, I could barely keep up with the pace of the exercises.

My senior sister also took a short video of me practicing punches and posted it on the channel.

Experiencing the thrill of throwing punches in the first class was very rewarding. Overall, it is an interesting and stress-relieving sport. It is not as difficult as I imagined. Many footwork and detailed movements still need to be practiced. I want to continue training and stick with it.

Work Status Adjustment#

In fact, my life has gradually returned to normal in recent weeks, as can be seen from the frequency of my weekly reports. I have started to read books and watch movies again. I have also taken the first step in sports. I will gradually participate in some outdoor activities on weekends. My mood seems to be consistently good.

However, I noticed some issues with my work status. It's not about the direction or content of my work, but rather the fact that I want to do too many things and seem to want to explore everything. However, my time and energy are limited, and I have lost my focus. This has also affected my efficiency. After discussing with my team leader and colleagues, I started making some adjustments.

It seems that it's time for me to make some personal adjustments again.

Personal Life Highlights#


Because I have subscribed to various streaming services both domestically and internationally and don't really follow hot topics, I rarely go to the cinema. After work on Monday, I went to see the long-awaited "Inception". The last movie that left a deep impression on me was the three-hour-long Batman movie, which I also loved.

Nolan's "Interstellar" and the Batman trilogy are my favorite movies. His pursuit of on-site feeling and control of emotions are very suitable for more profound biographical, historical, and heroic themes. The protagonist is eye-catching yet realistic, and the supporting characters each have their own stories. The deliberately disrupted temporal narrative, the interweaving of black and white and color images, and the long dialogues are the most memorable. As a biography, it is difficult to expect a distinct storyline and pacing. The slightly chaotic and complex visual composition reflects Nolan's editing style, and it reveals several plot twists and foreshadowing.

Sketching at the Old Summer Palace#


Another fun thing on the weekend was going to the Old Summer Palace with my senior sister for sketching. It was my first time visiting the Old Summer Palace. Although I brought a camera, I didn't take many photos. I took some simple ones. However, I tried out the new Sony ZV1 Mark II that I bought to record my life. It is a compact camera that is much better than the previous ZV1 in terms of focal length and usability. I set it to HLG3, which is consistent with the camera's settings. I can use it to shoot videos in the future, and maybe I will regularly record some vlogs.

Interesting Things and Finds#


Although most interesting inputs are automatically synchronized in the Yu's Life Telegram channel, I still want to list some of them here. It feels more like a newsletter.


  • Building a Second Brain: I am currently building my own knowledge management system based on its theory and continuing to read it.
  • Elon Musk: I am looking forward to this biography. I just browsed through a little bit.




  • Inception: See the previous section for details.
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