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Weekly Report #42 - Views on Emotions, Life Status, and Self


This article is a record and reflection on the life from 2023-06-13 to 2023-06-21.

I have been busy traveling this week and have experienced some emotional fluctuations. After returning, I have been busy with trivial matters, so I am only able to write this weekly report now.

Before returning to Beijing, I met with my former leaders and had many discussions about web3, AI, and various technical issues. I had dinner with old colleagues and had a great time chatting about different lifestyles and mindsets. I participated in a Drink & Draw event, which was novel and enjoyable. I also had a trip to Shanghai with Boyi, who happened to be on a business trip, which was familiar and precious. On Saturday, I attended HZLUG and met many developers I admired on Twitter. There were many interesting things happening.

In addition, I changed my song to "Gentle" by Mayday.

Views on Emotions#


In fact, emotions have often been mentioned in previous weekly reports, as if it were a place to vent emotions. However, as my focus in life gradually shifted, I moved to the other extreme and stopped mentioning it altogether.

It wasn't until the summary of my birthday that I had to recall the darkest moment of the past year that I picked up some memories again. It was only when I talked to Ni a few days ago that I realized that what I couldn't get over was not a concrete person or a specific relationship, but rather the memories and the unresolved issues and so-called "hurt" caused by my own assumptions.

Although I know that whether I want to move on or reorganize my life, I need to face these experiences and internalize them into my own views on emotions. However, I chose to take a shortcut and postponed it, even immersing myself in a state of self-deception. I didn't want to face it or think about it. I just told myself, "It's only been a year, there's no rush." Perhaps people always love themselves more, and they instinctively protect themselves.

A conversation that was not unexpected made me realize this self-deception and made me realize that I have gradually lost the courage to face my emotions. My thoughts on emotions became unclear, even chaotic to the point where I couldn't distinguish them. I am also afraid of the emotions that I have developed. I am afraid that the worst version of myself cannot handle such a complex relationship, and I am also afraid of being hypocritical in my momentary joy.

At any stage of life, perhaps the biggest obstacle to overcome is oneself. It seems that I really need some time to reorganize my views on emotions, to rediscover myself, and to start anew.

Life Status#

The same goes for life status. I originally thought that with remote work, I would have more time to adjust my schedule, focus on health, or do more things I want to do. However, most of the time, I still put my thoughts and time into work and some learning. It's not that I'm overworking myself, but I often hold a somewhat indifferent attitude towards other aspects of my life, observing my own life from a detached perspective.


As I try to bring my life and everything around me back on track, I have also started to pay attention to sleep, wake up early for a run, and reorganize my reading list. After the run, I spend some time reading a few pages.

On the next morning, I walked to the ancient town by the riverbank and saw the scattered sunlight shining through the gaps in the leaves on the ground. When I couldn't resist the urge to take a photo, I seemed to have regained some long-lost expectations for life itself. I set my heart on it and moved forward.

Personal Life Highlights#



I experienced a Drink & Draw event for the first time. Although I only drank at the scene, it was quite an interesting experience. There were models on stage creating various scenes, and many people who love drawing immersed themselves in it. Some sketches were already full of artistic charm with just a few strokes, while others meticulously depicted every detail. I was just observing from the side, and it seemed like I found some tranquility.

I have been to Shanghai many times, so I didn't take many photos this time. However, it was a rare opportunity to explore without a tight schedule.


Invited by a friend, I hurriedly went to Shanghai on Sunday to attend Rust China Conf 2023. As a Gopher, I didn't understand most of it, but the surroundings were really nice. I feel like the clothes, bags, and tote bags I received from events in the past few months are enough for me to wear until next year.

I also had the pleasure of meeting "Tiny Bear" from the Denge Chain community, who was introduced to me by a friend. When I first learned about blockchain and smart contracts, I watched many tutorials on Denge Chain. I didn't expect to meet and see him creating a video tutorial for a Solidity Foundry framework. It feels like breaking through a dimension wall.



And there's the adorable Nie Nie!

Interesting Things#


Although most interesting inputs are automatically synchronized in the "Yu's Life" Telegram channel, I will list some of them here. It feels more like a newsletter.



Here are some interesting videos I watched:




  • Demon Slayer: Mugen Train Arc, Ahhh! It's great, Nezuko! Everyone, go watch it!
  • My Senpai is Annoying, still following!

TV Shows#

  • Black Mirror Season 6, the first episode is really good, but it seems to lack the brilliance of the first two seasons.
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