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Weekly Report #36 - Gastroenteritis, Pinching Update, and New Journey


This article is a record and reflection on my life from 2023-03-25 to 2023-04-02.

I never expected that as a southerner who has lived in Hangzhou for more than ten years, I would experience severe discomfort when returning to live in Hangzhou again.

In the previous article, I mentioned that Nie Nie got sick due to the bumpy journey, but fortunately, after a period of adaptation, I went for a detailed physical examination yesterday and there was no problem. I was prescribed some nutritional supplements for recuperation.

However, in the first week of dealing with moving and various settling matters, my body had various reactions. But because I rarely get sick, I didn't pay much attention to it. It was only when I relaxed that everything broke out.

I am also adjusting to the new work mode and rhythm. Due to physical and mental exhaustion, I didn't give myself much buffer time, so my work and other arrangements are not ideal. However, I am in the process of self-adjustment.

In addition, let me be sentimental:

April is coming without you. - "Your Lie in April"


After leaving the boarding school in high school, my lifestyle and eating habits became irregular. I have always had a casual and somewhat fearful attitude towards health. During the busiest and most stressful time in college, I even had the strange idea that "as long as I don't know my physical condition, I can continue to work without worries." Therefore, I haven't had a physical examination for a long time.

It was only during the time I spent at home during the Gap year that I started to pay more attention. I went for a physical examination, took care of my teeth, and dealt with various health issues. After that, I started to cherish my life a little more. Interestingly, I have always been the kind of person who takes care of my own body and miraculously remains healthy. Even though I spend more than ten hours a day looking at the computer screen, my eyesight has hardly deteriorated. I haven't taken many precautions and have managed to avoid several waves of epidemics. It seems that I have a feeling that I won't get sick.

Maybe it was the intense gatherings in the past two weeks, or the two days of drinking with friends during the first weekend after returning, or the inexplicable glass of cold milk I drank late at night. I started to feel some discomfort in my stomach and intestines from Monday, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I neither went to the hospital nor took any medicine. I endured it for two days and finally experienced the consequences on Wednesday and Thursday. In the afternoon, the pain was so severe that I had to curl up to get some relief. My habit of staying up late and getting up early without taking a nap was corrected to a healthier routine (the pain would go away when I fell asleep). It wasn't until Thursday that I obediently ordered some medicine and started taking it. The situation improved slightly the next day, and it wasn't until today when I went to the hospital for a check-up that I found out it was acute gastroenteritis. I had managed to delay it until all the indicators were normal.

Although I didn't need to take sick leave in my first week of work, there wasn't much progress in other aspects besides completing some basic and relatively easy tasks. I even felt a little embarrassed to write this weekly report. It is only now, when I am near recovery, that I truly appreciate the value of good health. I should continue to have regular physical examinations and take care of my health, as it affects various aspects of my life.


In terms of work, I was already familiar with some people and projects, so I mainly explored based on existing information and code. I also familiarized myself with the development process through one or two small requirements. In the future, I will choose to develop requirements that I am interested in, which is a good approach.

However, my plan to read code and familiarize myself with a new module was disrupted by my illness. Overall, I am not very satisfied. I always feel that I haven't returned to the state of focusing on coding. Fortunately, I have recovered almost completely over the weekend, so I need to catch up more in the next week.

Maybe because I have had a lot of remote work experience before, I quickly adapted to the remote work mode. It's not a new experience, but I need to improve my task management system.

Nie Nie's Situation#

As mentioned in the previous article, Nie Nie was sick. After two weeks of treatment, she finally recovered. Because I was worried, I took her to a nearby pet hospital for a complete physical examination. Everything is fine, and her spirit and appetite have returned to normal.


Nie Nie was a bit reserved and unhappy at the beginning in the new home.


After getting familiar with the environment, she seems to be more relaxed than when she was in Beijing. Now she even sleeps on my shoulder for a night or lies on the blanket next to me. She seems to have adapted faster than I imagined, completing the transformation from a northern cat to a southern cat.


A friend of mine is going on a trip for a while, so she sent her cat to my place to get familiar with the environment and take care of it. Even when I'm not at home, my family can help with feeding and cleaning. I thought Nie Nie would be happy with an additional playmate, but for some reason, they don't get along. When the two cats are together, they always demonstrate, quarrel, and even fight. It has been going on for two days.

At first, Nie Nie, as the owner of the house, seemed to lose her territory and often hid in the corner or lay silently. But somehow, starting tonight, they both started to fight back. They have been fighting until now, but they haven't actually hit each other. It's all a show of force. This is how I feel inside:


I will report on the new situation next week, or I hope they will become good friends when I wake up.

New Journey and Plans#


This weekend, I met a new friend, Xiao, in Hangzhou. We had seen each other's blogs before but had never met in person. We had a meal together and talked about many things, from technology to life, from work to life goals, from emotions to freedom. It was quite magical.

Another friend of mine also said that he wants to make an effort to meet more interesting people this month. After being introverted for many years, I only recently realized the charm of this. Communicating with people with different experiences often gives me new perspectives and ideas. This is probably the value of seeking common ground while reserving differences.

So starting this month, I plan to go out more, meet more interesting people, and it can be considered as part of my new phase plans. However, I still need to balance my time for remote work. I'm still trying to figure it out.

In the next month, I will be visiting Wuhan, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Chengdu, and Xi'an one after another. My schedule is full, but I am filled with anticipation. If any interested friends happen to be there, we may meet by chance.

Interesting Things#


Although most interesting inputs are automatically synchronized in the "Yu's Life" Telegram channel, I will list some of them here. It feels more like a newsletter.



Similarly, I also want to list some interesting videos I have watched:

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