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Weekly Report #35 - Announcements, Moving, and the Sniffles


This article is a record and reflection on my life from 2023-03-14 to 2023-03-23 this week.

If it weren't for the motivation from xLog, I almost decided to skip this weekly report.

In the past week and more, Nie Nie got sick, my parents drove to Beijing to pick up the cat (and me), accompanied them on a trip (although it was my first time visiting all the attractions), met friends who are about to part ways, a 15-hour long-distance journey between cities, house hunting (although it only took 1 hour to sign the contract), moving and decorating the new home, and starting a new job, a series of events seemed to be happening one after another, without any time to catch my breath.

Perhaps because I am often immersed in the parts of work and life that I care about, I actually don't have a clear perception of many things. Even though it seems like every aspect of my life and state has changed in less than a week, I only had some realizations when I typed the paragraph above.

But not coding for nearly three weeks does make me feel rusty (and looking at the blank commit history is a bit unsettling), I need to get back in the groove. There are also many interesting things.


The most meaningful thing this week is probably the publication of the interview I did with "China Daily · 21st Century English Newspaper". It's not a great achievement in itself, as it's not a technical contribution and I still have a long way to go in various aspects. But for me, it has a unique significance, or rather, it feels like a wonderful coincidence.

In early 18, when I was a junior majoring in English, I was in a state of extreme confusion. I faced setbacks in transferring majors and applying for a minor. Due to the significant difference in my academic background, I was repeatedly advised to consider pursuing a career in product/operations instead of a technical position during front-end interviews at small startup companies, even though they acknowledged my abilities. Self-study also seemed to hit a bottleneck, and I always felt that I had learned a lot of things without knowing how to proceed in the future.

With courage, I added a friend and consulted a computer science major who is an English learning blogger (or so I think) named 'LearnAndRecord' for his opinions and advice on my choices. I didn't have much hope, to be honest, but he patiently replied to me with a lot of advice, including specific directions. It can be said that at that stage, he became the biggest motivation for me to continue.



Later, I went through the process of applying to schools, getting offers, learning to code, and working in a job I love step by step. Of course, there were many setbacks and joys along the way, and I am deeply moved. The timing of the publication happened to be when I joined RSS3 as I wished, which allowed me to explore future possibilities and lifestyles more freely. It was like a milestone, telling me that everything I had done before was meaningful, and I really did it. It turned out to be worth it.

Using the title of a friend's blog post, "I Will Set Sail," there are still many interesting things worth pursuing in the future, and it seems that I am at this point, neither too early nor too late.

Also, after knowing 'LR Jun' for so many years, we finally had a meal together, which can be considered a successful star-chasing experience!!!


The place where I have spent the most time in the past two years is in front of my desk, so I care a lot about the organization and arrangement of my desk. Because there was only a week between my last day at my previous company and my onboarding at the new one, and I only had two days to deal with various matters after returning to Hangzhou, I quickly found a rental place not far from home, signed the contract, set up the internet, moved, and decorated the new place, all within two days. Although there are still some home furnishings missing, it is still a preliminary result.


The desk and chair were left by the property, and I plan to change them later. The rest will be adjusted gradually! The floor-to-ceiling window facing south is really great!

By the way, let's commemorate the desktop setup I had in Beijing before.


Moving is quite exhausting, and this time it went smoothly thanks to my parents helping with the move. Overall, I am quite satisfied with the new home.

It can be considered as officially leaving Beijing, leaving behind a lot of memories and experiences in this place where I left my mark. I have traveled to many cities before and after, and it seems that I should be used to parting, but I still feel sad. Best wishes.

Nie Nie's Illness#


Since Saturday, Nie Nie has been vomiting. After observing for a while, I immediately took her to the pet hospital for an examination. It turned out to be a Helicobacter pylori infection. The doctor said it was not a big problem, but it requires a period of treatment. I was quite worried because I also had to sit in the car for more than ten hours to return to Hangzhou.


On the way out, I kept watching the home security camera, but she was so active that she drained the battery of the mobile monitoring robot. It seems like she's fine.

Fortunately, her symptoms improved after taking the medicine for a day, and her appetite and everything else have also returned to normal. She was well-behaved throughout the journey.

There is still about a week of treatment left, hoping for a speedy recovery!

She has officially changed from a northern cat to a southern cat!


Interesting Things and Items#


Although most interesting inputs are automatically synchronized in the 'Yu's Life' Telegram channel, I will list some of them here. It feels more like a newsletter.



Similarly, here are some interesting videos I have watched:


Here are some podcasts I have been listening to:

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